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Got my Johnson Ultra ballast pump today..


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Rosebud, Mo
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242X E-Series
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AND I was surprised. I knew the older pumps came with the old rubber impeller so I order the Jacobs green as the Johnson New orange impellers were not in stock. So got my pump today and went into the garage to install the new green impeller open the pump and low and behold!!!

13.7 GPM this pump is going to fill fast!
I have 2 of those. They work very well. Cam.
Great minds think alike @KXCam22. Same pumps same boat...:thumbsup:
I should look in mine and see what impeller I have. Got them last winter. I get a 6 min fill time for 2ea 400 lb bags but I have to be stopped because of where the fill fitting is. I designed my own level switches that I use on the vent lines that shuts off the pumps when the bags are full. So far it work excellent. Cam.