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Help me understand this, guys

@jcyamaharider me thinks you are more interested in who has the biggest wave rather than riding them. LMAO! That looks amazing! Some things shook free so I will be ordering a surf wedge from you here very shortly.
@jcyamaharider me thinks you are more interested in who has the biggest wave rather than riding them. LMAO! That looks amazing! Some things shook free so I will be ordering a surf wedge from you here very shortly.
LOL, You know you may be on to something.....We always do a test run before someone gets out on the wave and we always take a picture to compare to see if something changed or we see something new. My surfing skills are are not the best to be truthful. I can carve and such but @jcyamahariders wife can tear it up. She makes me look like a chump on the board.
We need to see some action shots for sure! Any info on how long of pocket you are getting etc? Im a big guy so I need a lot of push and unfortunately my pocket is small which makes it very tuff to learn ropeless... Either way it is fun!
She is actually editing a video right now. Pocket length is about 12 feet.
Nice! Behind the 192 I only got about 2' if your getting 12' or so I should easily get 6 to 8'.
Here is me behind Jerry's boat for reference :)image.jpg
Ballast specs please. That looks great!
Nice! Behind the 192 I only got about 2' if your getting 12' or so I should easily get 6 to 8'.
Behind a 212x you should get about the same pocket , mine and Jerry's waves are pretty much the same :)
Ballast specs please. That looks great!

Alot!!! Lol. 800 ski locker, 800 under port seat, 750 on top of port seat, 550 on starboard side swim deck, maybe 200 pounds of people in the bow for nose weight.
So I will def need ski locker ballast and new custom ballast bags... I usually carry 4 to 6 adults all 200# or so. Im thinking that might do it...
Englewoodcowboy. I would try your boat with the Wedge and a few plump friends before you spend a lot on ballast. I am able to go ropeless in 4-6' of water with my stock port ballast and about 800 lbs of people.
That is the immediate plan @buckbuck . I am working on a mod coming real soon that you may be interested in. I am adding an electric ball valve and a mode switch for wake or surf, which will shut the supply to the driver side ballast. I will also be adding vents to the existing bags and reprogramming the timer. Im lovng the flip of a switch ballast and want to keep that going .
My surfing skills are are not the best to be truthful. I can carve and such but @jcyamahariders wife can tear it up. She makes me look like a chump on the board.

Oh that is so sweet Jerry ! Not sure how or why I started riding half way decent all the sudden. I should just post my video because I decided I hate editing videos.
Alot!!! Lol. 800 ski locker, 800 under port seat, 750 on top of port seat, 550 on starboard side swim deck, maybe 200 pounds of people in the bow for nose weight.

@Englewoodcowboy You might want to contact wakemakers for custom bags. they scanned my boat to get the specs and my bags are about 1100 a side. i run two pumps to be able to list the boat to the surf side. as i recall, they weren't much more than stock bags.
Just to follow-up on my earlier post, I adjusted the surf gate to be at a 45 degree angle and no luck. The wake was still washed out and only caused the boat to steer hard to the left.

Seriously, the Wake Wedge is the only option for these boats (plus lots of ballast). I couldn't wait on the guys at Gantlin to make one for the '05, but will buy once they do. I won't share the DIY out of respect for their R&D. image.jpg
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Just to follow-up on my earlier post, I adjusted the surf gate to be at a 45 degree angle and no luck. The wake was still washed out and only caused the boat to steer hard to the left.

Seriously, the Wake Wedge is the only option for these boats (plus lots of ballast). I couldn't wait on the guys at Gantlin to make one for the '05, but will buy once they do. I won't share the DIY out of respect for their R&D. View attachment 26136

Did you see any benefit from your delayed convergance set up once you put your Wake Wedge on?