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Hicklin’s Marine Boat Show - Polk City, IA


Jetboaters Commander
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SW Iowa
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We made the trip to the only Yamaha Dealer in Iowa, which I didn’t know existed, and it’s only 2 hours from us. So we finally got to look at the 25ft models. Man was I blown away by how much room those new hulls have. Felt like a monster compared to our AR230 and it’s only 1.5ft longer, but the beam is much wider throughout the entire length of the boat.

We looked at a 222S, 222XD, SX250, 252S, and a 252SD; also looked at the floating living rooms they had, but we will let my wife’s mom continue owning a tritoon. The 22’ models definitely felt like they had more room than our AR230, but we knew we wanted the 25s. I had looked online at all features long before and felt the 252S fit us, because I didn’t feel the price jump for the SE or SD was worth it. Kept telling the wife the more technology the less likely I can fix it on my own.

As we left the wife then started getting boat fever…… Told her it was between saving for a lake house (Fall 2026) and Mexico trip (Feb 2026) or we buy a boat and both get pushed back a couple years. Ofcourse she didn’t take long to decide that 😅 We just paid off the AR230 too 🙃

So now I will be calling Monday to inquire on financing, trade in possibility, and the price because they are way too high for a 2024 252S when they want to get rid of it. They want 91k, I’ve seen a 25 252S at wonderland marine for the same price and a 24 252S at river valley for 80k. So target price would be less than or equal to 80k. A drive to Michigan or Minnesota would be worth it if we can’t get the price down.

Below are some pics, the girls were excited to go to the boat show for sure. Our oldest told me, “Dad, why did we bring the jeep up here, we can’t pull a boat home with it.” 🤣🤣


Smart kid...