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Speaker option in boat and on shore

Interesting enough it seems like they have rca cables pre run in the boat. I see the plugs closed off and the cable that attaches unplugged. Wondering if they pre wire the towers in all of these. In any cases it is interesting.


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Yamaha marine is a bit outdated on there audio.. The normaly have a 3.5mm headphone style jax to Aux you audio in. it is next to the usb.
Yamaha marine is a bit outdated on there audio.. The normaly have a 3.5mm headphone style jax to Aux you audio in. it is next to the usb.
Got it. I have that jack. Just thought it was interesting that there are rca cable connections back there and an rca cable that seems to be run but not connected. Found that very interesting.
The factory amp is underpowered, and you can't adjust them. As suggested by kgower, go with the WetSounds SYN-DX6. To make use of the existing Connext head unit when connecting to the new amp, I found that you can get plug-compatible dongles with RCA jacks by contacting Brandon. See this thread: Yamaha/Wet Sounds DSP Harnesses. I sent him a text with questions at 724-884-6120, and he responded soon after with a wealth of helpful information. Good luck with your upgrade.