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Hospital again for me.


Jetboaters Admiral
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Cedar Lake, IN
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Many of you old timers were around when i had my stroke about 5 years ago. 3 months off work regaining function etc.
Well i did it again.
Thankfully a TIA which is far less severe but it was my left side including my mouth this time. I had one overnight and am now back home but still deficits on hand and slightly in leg. A bit lightheaded sometimes from my new blood thinner. But, i have someone doing trim in my bathroom and i am reskinning my boat seats with my time off!
Btw they all say i am in exceptional health. No reasons again for this. Agin going to be seeing neuro and blood specialists. Just figured since I know many of you i would inform! Boat season may be short!
All the best and a speedy recovery!

A Super JetBoat Speedy Recovery and return to the water!
Hoping the best for you.
sorry to hear that,
praying for your recovery, enjoy the time at home with the family,
Speedy recovery! hope you get back to the water soon to relax.
Just as the late great Ted Knight told me in a hospital bed at Boston Childrens in 1979.

Many of you old timers were around when i had my stroke about 5 years ago. 3 months off work regaining function etc.
Well i did it again.
Thankfully a TIA which is far less severe but it was my left side including my mouth this time. I had one overnight and am now back home but still deficits on hand and slightly in leg. A bit lightheaded sometimes from my new blood thinner. But, i have someone doing trim in my bathroom and i am reskinning my boat seats with my time off!
Btw they all say i am in exceptional health. No reasons again for this. Agin going to be seeing neuro and blood specialists. Just figured since I know many of you i would inform! Boat season may be short!
Get better sir!!