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Impeller carnage

so none of them change top speed or time to speed? thanks for the info

You should shrink the picture in your signature :-).

Yes, pitch and impeller type will directly impact speed and acceleration.

Higher pitch will take away from top end and will allow you to accelerate faster under a heavier load. Higher pitch will also allow you to operate better at higher altitude.
so none of them change top speed or time to speed? thanks for the info
Depending on the elevation you boat at re-pitching might not gain you anything unless you do some performance mods. For myself I boat at or around 4000 ft so I do some performance mods and re-pitch to gain the performance I lost.
For impeller pitch, altitude and boat weight are the largest factors.
For impeller type... this is like saying Duratrac's tires are better than BFG's. They probably are, each better for different things.
I've done a lot of high elevation testing and have found no advantage using solas or skat impellers over Yamaha's. The 6CW impeller has by far been the best performing impeller.
Just throwing another update out there. Got a set of Skats from Impros pitched for Powell (3600) installed and they are pretty good. I have noticed a little slip under hard acceleration if all my ballast tanks are full (stock plus a 400 and 700 on the surf side deck) that I had never noticed with the Solas (pitched for 6000). Sent the damaged ones back to Impros mid May per their instructions for an attempt at a warranty claim on the failed one and a credit for the other side and haven't been able to get ahold of anyone or get a call back. Funny how the customer service goes when your trying to buy a set vs warranty a set o_O. I think Im going to do the rest of the season with the Skats and try for a 6CW Yammy set for next season just to try them.