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Inflatable SUP Choice

I have a high volume pump that inflated these boards pretty quickly but topped out short of the high pressure needed to complete the boards. I switched to the manual pump that comes with the board and pumped my ass off for several minutes to get the full 16psi. These pumps need to have a Surgeon General warning on the damn things!!

Does anyone make a high pressure electric pump for these SUPs?
I use a pancake air compressor I bring with me on vacation.
It runs the entire time I pump up my (2) sups.
At home, I have a gas station near me that has a good compressor and that works the best.
It is quite the workout to pump these up with the manual pump, but I have done it.
They do make high pressure 12volt pumps but they seem to get mixed reviews.
I have a high volume pump that inflated these boards pretty quickly but topped out short of the high pressure needed to complete the boards. I switched to the manual pump that comes with the board and pumped my ass off for several minutes to get the full 16psi. These pumps need to have a Surgeon General warning on the damn things!!

Does anyone make a high pressure electric pump for these SUPs?
Airhead and O'Brien both have them. I won't have my account setup with Airhead for a few weeks and I don't stock the O'Brien one, but I ordered one in for a buddy of mine. I've got more inventory expected in over the coming weeks I could add one to it. No worries if you find one otherwise.

I ordered this body glove iSUP from costco online a about two weeks ago and it was delivered today. $400ish. I’m looking forward to getting it on the water but remember how much I hate pumping it up manually. If the shelter in place orders ease up enough for me to boat this summer I will buy and inflatable kayak with an electric pump to go with it and the iSUP. If I could buy the kayak from Costco I would, can’t be the return policy. I returned the last isup i bought there four after four years of use (it was leaking air and dripping wet) for a full refund/store credit.
I have a high volume pump that inflated these boards pretty quickly but topped out short of the high pressure needed to complete the boards. I switched to the manual pump that comes with the board and pumped my ass off for several minutes to get the full 16psi. These pumps need to have a Surgeon General warning on the damn things!!

Does anyone make a high pressure electric pump for these SUPs?

I bought this pump a few weeks ago to go with the SUP-style island I bought over the winter, its probably the coolest pump I've ever used. It starts off as a high volume pump to quickly get going, and then switches automatically to a high pressure pump until the desired pressure is reached, then shuts off. Inflated a 6x10 island (equivalent of about three SUPs) in <10 minutes.


It's pricey, but I think its worth it. I had cheaped out on an automatic high pressure pump previously, but it only lasted one season. Seems well made so far.
I bought this pump a few weeks ago to go with the SUP-style island I bought over the winter, its probably the coolest pump I've ever used. It starts off as a high volume pump to quickly get going, and then switches automatically to a high pressure pump until the desired pressure is reached, then shuts off. Inflated a 6x10 island (equivalent of about three SUPs) in <10 minutes.


It's pricey, but I think its worth it. I had cheaped out on an automatic high pressure pump previously, but it only lasted one season. Seems well made so far.
How loud is the pump? I know, not the most important factor, but certainly comes into play on the boat in a confined space.

How loud is the pump? I know, not the most important factor, but certainly comes into play on the boat in a confined space.


It's fairly loud, but not unbearably. Sure beats pumping it by hand.
I just bought this (a second isup) from Costco. Same price as the first one ($400 plus tax). I went with this instead of an inflatable kayak from Decathalon Sporting Goods because it comes with an electric pump and moreover Costco’s return and exchange policy applies to it. If I bought the kayak from Decathalon I’d have to buy paddles as well as an electric pump and I’d be stuck with a one (1) year return and exchange policy.

I inflated the second isup tonight and can tell this is the one I will be using. Same length as the body glove but thicker and wider. It is not as pointy / spear tip shaped as the body glove but that’s probably a good thing for me stability wise. I’m thinking about exchanging the body glove for another hyperlite just for the electric pump which worked perfectly and beats the hell out of using the manual pump. Both isups are from Costco so I know they come 2ith a great return and exchange policy. $400 plus tax each. Retail therapy at its best.
I inflated the second isup tonight and can tell this is the one I will be using. Same length as the body glove but thicker and wider. It is not as pointy / spear tip shaped as the body glove but that’s probably a good thing for me stability wise. I’m thinking about exchanging the body glove for another hyperlite just for the electric pump which worked perfectly and beats the hell out of using the manual pump. Both isups are from Costco so I know they come 2ith a great return and exchange policy. $400 plus tax each. Retail therapy at its best.
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I have the body glove but haven't even opened it yet. Wonder if I should exchange for the hyperlite! Was it in store or online?
The hyperlite was in the store, it wasn’t offered online at least when I ordered the body glove. I inflated both of them for a few days to check for leaks, Costco is great about returns and exchanges but if they don’t have it in stock anymore I’m just SOL until next season.

If you do inflate your and leave it that way I recommend that you do it and put it where the smell of plastic won’t bother you. It’s very strong for a few days. Again the pump that came with hyperlite is the bomb, the hands free operation is a bonus, I only wish it had adapters for my other Towable sand may start look8 g for an aftermarket hose and/or adapter with such connections.
@tabbibus , I forgot to mention that i purchased my first isup from Costco online and returned it to a Costco store four years later without any issues. They looked up the purchase because I didnt have a receipt and I brought the sup in in a basket still dripping wet. I thought they were going to tell me to pound sand but instead they asked me if I wanted cash or a store credit.