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Jetboat vs. Prop Water Skiing


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Hi - we're considering a Yamaha jetboat (22 ft). We have a I/O prop boat today. Looking for perspective on how the water skiing experience would change.

Also, will the twin three cylinder four stroke engine provide enough power?
Water ski and wake board behind a Prop and a 195s (single engine) and I did not notice any difference except for the start, the 195s was quicker to get up on and easier in my opinion. The twin engine should have plenty of power.
Need to be back around 60-65ft back to stay out of the jetwash but other than that it’s not much different.
Up until 2019, I had only skied behind I/O (35+ years). I've owned a 2019 212X and now the 2024 222XD and they are great to slalom behind. The Yamaha has more power and pulls me up quicker than any I/O I've ever skied behind. The Yamaha's are great for slalom skiing but if you're skillset is staying inside the wake, I would agree with AMZark that the water is rough directly behind the boat and has a sharper wake.
Jon skiing 2024.jpg
Up until 2019, I had only skied behind I/O (35+ years). I've owned a 2019 212X and now the 2024 222XD and they are great to slalom behind. The Yamaha has more power and pulls me up quicker than any I/O I've ever skied behind. The Yamaha's are great for slalom skiing but if you're skillset is staying inside the wake, I would agree with AMZark that the water is rough directly behind the boat and has a sharper wake.
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Do you barefoot water ski behind your boat?
Do you barefoot water ski behind your boat?
No, I never had an opportunity as a kid back in the 80's to get behind a fast enough boat. So that translated into never trying to barefoot later in life. Now I have zero desire to learn. Instead I picked up wakesurfing which is quite a bit less impact. But I've certainly thought about trying barefoot in the last 5 years.