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Jocassee fishing

Trevor Shipman

Jetboaters Captain
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Charlotte, NC
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We do an annual fishing trip to Jocassee with my dad, this will be year 3 this weekend. We’ve tried downriggers the past 2 with Sutton Spoons and literally have only caught a small buzz.

We’re not going to bother with the downriggers this weekend but are going to bring a few Dipsy Divers. I was also just going to try a live minnow.

Any suggestions on depths? Or good spots? It’d be nice to catch SOMETHING this weekend, for a change! Ha

I know the lake really well from a hang out perspective, but apparently have zero clue where the fish like to hang out.

@Brandon_SC send me info I csnt figure this lake out. I went all over last weekend trying to find some spots. By the dam, up to lower falls up the river some... I was using diver to get me about 40ft on one pole and about 55 on another. I've trolled for salmon and never had issue.

I have struck out 2 years in a row first weekend in april.
We do an annual fishing trip to Jocassee with my dad, this will be year 3 this weekend. We’ve tried downriggers the past 2 with Sutton Spoons and literally have only caught a small buzz.

We’re not going to bother with the downriggers this weekend but are going to bring a few Dipsy Divers. I was also just going to try a live minnow.

Any suggestions on depths? Or good spots? It’d be nice to catch SOMETHING this weekend, for a change! Ha

I know the lake really well from a hang out perspective, but apparently have zero clue where the fish like to hang out.

I am clueless on this lake fishing but I need to catch me some trout!
Hahah sorry you didn’t catch anything but it’s good to know I’m not alone!

I think depth is my real issue. No clue if I should be 20’ or 80’
Are you guys using a fish finder?
I’m not... I rarely fish anymore except for these once a year father son trips so I can’t justify the money.
I bought this portable system for the same reasons as you. Not fishing enough to justify higher cost permanent options.

It is pretty cool, you can have multiple phones or tablets connected to it so everyone can see the output.
I have my Garmin installed, but honestly I didn't see a thing above the bottom contours so idk where they are hiding.
Rainy morning here... Looks like it’ll clear up around noon. I’ll keep you guys posted on dinner plans. Ha
Yep, bout to hit the water... Think the rain is done. I was getting cabin fever.


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Really tough lake to fish. I've been thinking about hiring a charter. This guy will put you on the fish.

Mmmm, I love pizza!

Seriously, a charter is a great way to learn how to fish a tough body if water.
Yeah, I agree... I might do the same. One of my fav lakes regardless of the fishing. I know they’re in there.

I appreciate the tips you guys provided!