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Fishing Rods, Reels, downriggers, gear and a refit of a1985 Whaler for fishing

I installed the transducer yesterday morning. I jacked a 1 x 6 up against the hull, sticking out a foot or so from the transom. I layed the transducer on the projecting board, and leveled the transducer side to side with the same angle of the boat. I plugged leftover holes from ripped out equipment with 5200.


Then I finished the install of the downrigger. It was our day off here, so we registered her at an 8am appointment at DMV. Went home to finish the above mentioned. Then we dropped her in Malletts Bay for a test ride with the new T-top, Lowrance Elite FS 9. And boy did we see fish, we did not catch any as it was a little rough out there with whitecaps and winds 12-24 kts kicking up 1-2'ers, but I had forgotten how nicely an old Boston Whaler can handle that stuff. The sonar and downscan identified fish at 10-15' and some bigger ones down at 50' near the bottom at a hump in the bottom of the bay. We had fun, came home and stretched the bimini canvas over the T-top, fastened temporarily with zip ties and will lace it up later today.


Just another fish story.
Wife laced the Bimini top today.

We returned the 72qt cooler for the bigger 95qt cooler that fits the chocks perfectly. Now to have a seat cushion made for it, I wonder if my canvas maker is busy.

My upholstery lady finally finished the cushions for the Whaler.





This was the old vinyl…


My wife, the upholstry lady, did an awesome job!


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We needed more gear to run two downriggers and two dipsy divers or top water trolling lures.


And I needed to replace a dipsy diver rig screw up offered to Poseidon on Fridays outing.


We went to Dick’s for these Ocuma line counter reels.


And rods, another Ugly stick (Tiger) 8' and another Okuma (Dipsy diver) a 10' rod.


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I miss our Yamaha swim platform. Looking around for a transom mount platform/ladder and found a few. This 3 step is nice, though more expensive than some I found for a 38 yo boat. https://www.boatoutfitters.com/outboard-swim-platform-with-3-step-ladder
But the following picture caught my eye, not because of the ladder, but the placement of the transducer above the trim tab. I wonder how that works. The beam cone may miss the tt , but not the interference from it.

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I was told if I wanted to catch more Lakers and Landlocked Salmon, I needed “more cowbell” which in my mind meant this. Lol

After a search at Dick’s, I see what @FSH 210 Sport really meant. :banghead: Using the baby cowbells and smaller Mooselooks and spoons here.


Just kiddin’ ;)
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I picked up this lure earlier this Spring for the big fish.

I picked up this lure earlier this Spring for the big fish.

View attachment 200360

Would love to see that hanging off my rod in one of my rod holders as I head out in the am with all the other fishermen going for walleyes and Musky. The look on their faces would be priceless. For $90.00 it a bit pricey for fun.
I said "I picked up this lure". I picked it up from the bottom shelf. My wife took a picture and I put it back. $90 Is crazy money for that.;)
We needed more gear to run two downriggers and two dipsy divers or top water trolling lures.

View attachment 198216

And I needed to replace a dipsy diver rig screw up offered to Poseidon on Fridays outing.

View attachment 198217

We went to Dick’s for these Ocuma line counter reels.

View attachment 198219

And rods, another Ugly stick (Tiger) 8' and another Okuma (Dipsy diver) a 10' rod.

View attachment 198221

View attachment 198223
Odd question, but did Luhr Jenson and Okuma partner? Odd that Okuma could use the "Dipsy Diver" name on a rod. I used to know the charter captain who patented the Slide Diver, based off of the Dipsy Diver design and almost instantly Luhr Jenson filed a law suit on patent stealing. Come to find out, the patent ran out a week before the slide diver went on the market, plus it was slightly tweeked in design so it wasnt a 1 for 1.
We used to use Dipsy and Jet divers for Walleye and Steelhead in Lake Erie. I see you towing a drift bag behind the outboard, whats your normal trolling speed?
Odd question, but did Luhr Jenson and Okuma partner? Odd that Okuma could use the "Dipsy Diver" name on a rod. I used to know the charter captain who patented the Slide Diver, based off of the Dipsy Diver design and almost instantly Luhr Jenson filed a law suit on patent stealing. Come to find out, the patent ran out a week before the slide diver went on the market, plus it was slightly tweeked in design so it wasnt a 1 for 1.
We used to use Dipsy and Jet divers for Walleye and Steelhead in Lake Erie. I see you towing a drift bag behind the outboard, whats your normal trolling speed?

I don't know about a partnership. We have 3 Okuma rods, one labeled Downrigger, another labeled Copper/Lead core and the third is labeled Dipsy Diver. It is longer than the other two, at 10' and rated for 40# braid and 4oz. tackle. Our speed depends on direction of the wind. Into the wind 1.8mph, downwind 2.2+. No bag, 3.
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