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Lions Win?

Detroit can take them!
Lions in the NFC championship game! Wow.

I think we can take them. Would of preferred GB playing here in Detroit. But that didn't happen. If we do make it to Superbowl, I think we can beat KC. I don't think we can beat the Ravens.
Even though they beat us, I am rooting for Lions. Hope they play Ravens. I hate KC, their preferential treatment by the refs, NFL, and the media circus that follows them.
Even though they beat us, I am rooting for Lions. Hope they play Ravens. I hate KC, their preferential treatment by the refs, NFL, and the media circus that follows them.

The sports books are taking SF -7, which is pretty big. Hopefully it is a good day, going to be a tough one. I also don't like KC and their Media Circus!
As an outsider to all teams left, I would love to see Detroit win. Such a feel good storyline, it would be a great ending to hit the win and move on! I would much rather that then San Fran.
As an outsider to all teams left, I would love to see Detroit win. Such a feel good storyline, it would be a great ending to hit the win and move on! I would much rather that then San Fran.

Truly hoping this happens on Sunday. Even if we wind and Sunday and Lose in the Superbowl, it would still be awesome and hopefully the beginning a better Detroit Football Era...... :)
Truly hoping this happens on Sunday. Even if we wind and Sunday and Lose in the Superbowl, it would still be awesome and hopefully the beginning a better Detroit Football Era...... :)
I was sad when CJGJ left and went to Lions but happy to see he's back on the field and making plays. Wish you the best of luck! Great story from a former player who played and helped win their last playoff game to taking the team to the playoffs as a coach. Would be cool to see them in the big game.