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Looking at used surfboards


Jetboaters Captain
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Marietta, GA
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The guy I am trying to buy a boat from has some used surfboards he is offering to sell me along with the boat. I have no idea about these. If they are good, or if the price is right. Any thoughts from the experts??

P5 surf wire $200

surf wire.JPG

P5 Skim $100


P5 Aku or Ahi??? Not sure . The guy said it was an Aku. $400


Ronix Surf $150


P5 Rio $275


P5 Wire. Looks a little rough to me. $200

wire 2.JPG
That guy defiantly liked Phase 5. I had a wire board. It was ok but took a little bit to get used to. I sold it for a slingshot Cobra Cat XR
That guy defiantly liked Phase 5. I had a wire board. It was ok but took a little bit to get used to. I sold it for a slingshot Cobra Cat XR

He mentioned his son used to be a pro wake surfer so I think he got them through that.
So what’s the boat!?
I’d say he should throw those in the sale of the boat.
Tried to get him to just throw some boards in, but best he will do is $500 for these 3.

phase 5 ahi, Ronix ?, and phase 5 skim. The ahi itself looks to be around $900 new so maybe it’s reasonable if all in good shape.

Look them up on evo.com (size charts) to see the recommended weights and skill levels and see if they match any of your potential riders.

I’d probably just get them. If you don’t use them, list them here for 250 each and you come out well ahead. :)