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loud grinding now is in engine before water is flowing


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hi everyone 2008 SX 210. The last couple of times I took her out at the end of last season when I started her in the driveway I heard a loud rattling noise in the starboard engine. It went away as soon as I turned the water on. She also ran perfectly in the water, so the issue is clearly when the engine is just running dry for those few seconds. would anyone know what that issue is that I would need to address? jet pump? Not sure what to do. any help would be really appreciated.
Very common issue , it is high spots in the pump liner due to dissimilar metal corrosion , the longer the boat sits not being used the worse it gets and in some cases the pump liner will lock the impeller and not allow it to turn after you run it a while the spots wear down and it is not as pronounced. IT is why we go to plastic liners the problem is no more once you do that.
Thank you for your reply. If it is just for that moment before the water is flowing, can I ignore it for now. Is it a breakdown risk with the jet pump?
Thank you for your reply. If it is just for that moment before the water is flowing, can I ignore it for now. Is it a breakdown risk with the jet pump?
Well it is a normal issue and I believe Yamahas has finally gone to the nylon pump liners as I have been doing for many years I beat the hell out of them and no noise or issues. I also did a poor mans fix post for the high spots in the stainless liners just to see if it could be fixed and it worked but honestly when you change the liners change to the nylon setup much better for the boat. The only issue is if you let it sit for a long time the high spots grow and I have seen pumps lock up due to it . There are may places to get that handled I use www.sbtontheweb.com just for convenience as they are close to me.