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Lucky 13 pump cone install


Jet Boat Addict
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titusville, fl
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FSH Sport
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Just installed the Lucky 13 pump cone on my SX195, and I feel like a fully qualified boat proctologist! Was a really simple install, I didn’t have to disassemble the pump or remove anything. I put the throttle all the way forwar and was able to access everything through the nozzle and Just used some hex head bits and a flexible extension to get to the bolts holding the cone on. Really simple and took about 30 minutes. I plan on taking the boat out this weekend and will post results.
Thanks for posting this, I have the cone in my garage waiting to be installed so I'm glad to hear it's fairly straightforward. Did you also do the air intake ribbon delete?
Nope, haven’t done the ribbon delete as I have heard there is little to be gained on a supercharged engine, so I’m just gonna leave that one alone.
I should have taken pics during the process to show how easy it was to change the cone out, but by the time I thought about it I was already finishing up. Results from the water coming tomorrow!
Is the install the same between the 195 and 190? I'm thinking about doing it to my AR190.
Is the install the same between the 195 and 190? I'm thinking about doing it to my AR190.
Yeah, pretty much... the cone on the 190’s has 3 bolts, the 195’s has 4 bolts. Everything else is the same
Just installed the Lucky 13 pump cone on my SX195, and I feel like a fully qualified boat proctologist! Was a really simple install, I didn’t have to disassemble the pump or remove anything. I put the throttle all the way forwar and was able to access everything through the nozzle and Just used some hex head bits and a flexible extension to get to the bolts holding the cone on. Really simple and took about 30 minutes. I plan on taking the boat out this weekend and will post results.
Huh! That's very crafty.
The SVHO pump does have a bit larger venturi opening, but still.
I could swap the cone/add or remove the washers but never the whole base without removing the pump.

For anyone doing it, there is an o-ring on the base that must be swapped from the OEM cone, or new one installed (the L13 does not come with one); that o-ring is critical to prevent water intrusion into the main pump bearing.

I was thinking about the cone recently, I don't have one but was considering it. As I understand it, by adding more rings it increases the back pressure a bit, increasing the velocity of the expelled water at a given RPM, but taking a bit more torque from the motor to achieve that RPM, and probably a bit less total water flows through. Does that sound right?

So, for the "cavitation" often discussed (I put it in quotes because I'm not certain it is true cavitation as I understand it), by adding the cone I suppose it inherently reduces the negative pressure before the impeller, since the net flow of water is less. Does that sound right? I've seen the posts where RTV is spread inside the inlet tunnel, which I'm imagining helps keep smoother flow and also reduce the negative pressure a touch, but is it possible that air is sneaking in those joints from inside the boat? If so, maybe RTV outside the tunnel (inside the boat) would be helpful?

Just some thoughts...onto a question:

At idle speeds, I'm imagining that having more rings on the cone would possibly give an increased speed at a given rpm or less rpm for a given speed. Often I like to just put it at 2k rpm and cruise around in no-wake mode and chat. A step lower at 1.8k is pretty quiet, I wonder if adding the cone with lots of rings would allow 1.8k to push a bit more speed? The downside being top end speed I would guess.

Any thoughts? Thanks!!!
At idle speeds, I'm imagining that having more rings on the cone would possibly give an increased speed at a given rpm or less rpm for a given speed. Often I like to just put it at 2k rpm and cruise around in no-wake mode and chat. A step lower at 1.8k is pretty quiet, I wonder if adding the cone with lots of rings would allow 1.8k to push a bit more speed? The downside being top end speed I would guess.
Quite possibly this could work.
I posted some before / after video clips from my 190 L13 experimentation, the results were nothing short of stunning. However, as robust as the device seems to be, I found the results to be somewhat less than predictable...
One of the idiosyncrasies I observed was the L13 working particularly well with the OEM impellers, but not necessarily aftermarket such as SOlas, and so on.

I would think what we refer to as cavitation is probably better described as ventilation, but regardless, a well tuned L13 can make these YJB pumps tangibly more efficient.
Basic pump hygiene notwithstanding, all gaps and any possible leaks where air can be sucked into the pump tunnel from the bilge must be taken care of.

Quite possibly this could work.
I posted some before / after video clips from my 190 L13 experimentation, the results were nothing short of stunning.

Did you notice any change at no-wake speeds?
all gaps and any possible leaks where air can be sucked into the pump tunnel from the bilge must be taken care of

Is there something other than sealing I've seen done from the inside of the inlet? That's all I recall seeing on here. Thanks!
I have a 255xd and I want to get Lucky 13 pump cones. Does anyone have recommendations on which washer/s I should use? We mostly wake surf and wake board if knowing that makes a difference in recommendations
Did you have sealant on the jet pump housing preventing removal of the plate to install the L13 cone? If so, how did you loosen the sealant or ultimately get the enclosure opened on the back of the jet pump housing?