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Do you have any pics of the install of the mirror on your boat?

Norboo - Guess I am confused. A lot. You request help, and you receive it from members, and then ...........

I have THIS Mirror, manufactured by Aerial, MOUNTED on my 242LS Tower !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(And Yes ........ We did purchase it from http://www.h2osportswarehouse.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=BT-MIRKITADJU-PA )
And I am VERY VERY pleased with its' Design, Quality, and Performance.
Not a lot more to say about this.
Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
My original wake tower mirror broke off on the highway about 30 minutes after I mounted it. Aluminum casting flaw. I ended up retrofitting a cheap bus mirror that mounts to a long 1/2" SS bolt which threads into what is left of the mount. It actually works excellent for a cheap $$ fix and I have no plans to change it. Cam.
I built the plastic collars on a lathe to take up the clearance then drilled and tapped the mount for a set screw to pin the mount to the tower to hold is secure. I did the same with my board racks to keep them from moving. Works great. You can see the plastic collars and the 1/4" allen bolt set screw on the tower mount here. They don't move. Cam.