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Babin Farms

Jetboaters Admiral
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Lower Alabama
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After a great Sunday on the boat My Monday was a Monday.4CBF68BE-2B95-45C9-A569-7EC0739C0035.gif
Dump truck puked oil everywhere at our dumpsite Saturday so I had to check that out first. Added 7 gallons of oil & fired it up to see oil leaking from behind fuel rail. Had it towed to the shop. Police utility cruisers PS pump crapped the bed. FD Deputy Chiefs Tahoe rear hatch wouldn’t open so he couldn’t get to his gear if needed. Had to go on a sewer call due to the fact everyone else is still cleaning up storm debris. Steer tire on a different dump truck had a slow leak, changed tire out. Front mount mower had a flat, repaired that. After all of that it was nice to get to go home. Makes me want to go out on the boat and leave the phone & worries all behind after a day like today.