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    free hit counter

Tire chain recommendations ??

@Scottintexas Are you in the rain, ice or snow? That is a colorful storm.

It’s been a disappointment so far
About 1-2” and now it’s raining

90% of people went home at noon today

It has been snowing lightly on and off for days here. We have 6-8” on the ground. You will only need chains in the purple color (freezing rain). Your ground is still warm, so it melts. A longer cold snap will freeze it up. I usually run snow tires, but I have Goodyear all-seasons on that I put on for the many trips back and forth to Massachusetts, for the catamaran last year. They run pretty good in the snow on the GMC with locking diff. I have had to salt sand the steep section once this year, so far. Remember what I said about “better to have and not need than to need and not have”. Also, even with them on, it is the other drivers sliding thru stop signs you need to look out for.

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