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MR1 Engine Dieing out


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I have a 2009 AR230 question on starbourd engine keep dieing on me. I chand plugs and tested he is what happen I can run boat ant where from 200 to 7000n rpm for about 2 to 3 minutes than she cuts out. I have to wait for about 15 minutes to restart than same thing happens
I place a fuel pressure gauge shows 50 pounds of pressure tha run engine uo to 4000 rpms for about 2 to 3 minute thab just dies.
Any suhhestion I can tey next.

Do you have a YDS unit ? if not you need to get one so you can see what the computer is telling you,

when it dies does it sputter and starve for fuel
is it running fine and just quits

how old is the gas in the tank ?
when was the last time the engine ran without problem?
has this engine ever given you problems before ?
the other engine runs without issue ?

I would guess fuel supply first, maybe something in the tank and it slowly gets sucked against the pick up tube ????

I would try to idle the engine and see how long it can run
run at 7k rpm and see if quits at the same time,

are you testing the boat on the trailer or in the water ??
I would check the fuel for water in it ,if both do the same thing.
If only 1 engine is having trouble try removing the air filter element and see if it runs ok may need a new one, or something is obstructing the air going into the filter