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New, Old Stock Yamaha 160 HO

Kevin, have you thought about splitting them up? I suspect that the most likely sales here are to members who need to repair their impellers or have a blown engine.

I suspect you would sell the pumps faster if you offer them without the engines. But I think they would have to be competitive with the price of rebuilding with upgraded parts.

As for the engines some members might want to upgrade from non HO engines or occasionally someone has an engine failure. In most instances these buyers already have good pumps.
Sure I would consider separating the package. I'l try to post pics of the pumps, as I can't recall what all I have.
I forgot to mention that the ECUs also have value separate from the engines.
Am I seeing that right that the impeller is missing ?
Yea, they are not there... maybe the impellers are not installed yet so they could potentially be installed on either side? Loose box of impellers somewhere?
very true, I forgot each side had a different pitch, it just surprised me to see a large unit put together with an important part in the middle missing,
They didn't come with imps. I don't know if SS kept them, or Yammie figured the imps would be matched to the build?
Now I'm more curious as to why SS would have them. I thought SS used the mercury sport jet engines and pumps not yammy engines. Incidentally, I'm not in the market for either an engine or pump but I am for a cdi that goes to an '06 fx cruiser (non ho). That part is only one of three or four in the vault (electrical box pictured) and new yamaha sports plaza is asking just over $1k for it, so $6k for a new pump, engine and vault is a hell of a good deal. Don't forget about shipping though, something that big/ heavy maybe expensive to transport.
Now I'm more curious as to why SS would have them. I thought SS used the mercury sport jet engines and pumps not yammy engines.
Brief history...In 2009, Mercury informed builders they might be dropping the Sport Jet. I had already seen the writing on the wall, so started looking to Weber. My Weber intake/pump was working well, so Sugar Sand asked if I'd help with their Weber pump loading issues. During my time at SS, we solved the loading issues, then the damn Weber powerheads starting grenading. Disgusted, Sugar Sand turned to Yammie. However, the debt burden of SS's parent company was such it was draining Sugar Sands R&D resources. Thus, they dropped the project and some time later I purchased the Yammies and other misc units.
I forgot to mention that the ECUs also have value separate from the engines.
Because the ECU stores the engine hours, he is better off to sell the ECU with the new motor. But, you are correct that the ECU will bring a pretty penny if sold separately.

@Kevin Turner You have 4 complete motors or more?