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Pulling 242 with Motorhome

@utahrd ... I was wondering if you would start a thread or add to this one, more info on your Vista. There are two for sale here locally, that have 10-20K miles and are 2014 31'ers. I am wanting info on what specifics you see as needed in that model as well as all the extras you have added to make life in it more pleasant. A new thread would be great as it would serve as a guide to doing this. We can link this thread to it as well. The Dallas RV show is next weekend and we are looking forward to going. Thanks for all the knowledge you have been contributing the last few weeks since you found us, and thanks in advance for any intel you can provide on your rig! Put it in the Tow rig forum...it is a most formidable tow rig!
@utahrd ... I was wondering if you would start a thread or add to this one, more info on your Vista. There are two for sale here locally, that have 10-20K miles and are 2014 31'ers. I am wanting info on what specifics you see as needed in that model as well as all the extras you have added to make life in it more pleasant. A new thread would be great as it would serve as a guide to doing this. We can link this thread to it as well. The Dallas RV show is next weekend and we are looking forward to going. Thanks for all the knowledge you have been contributing the last few weeks since you found us, and thanks in advance for any intel you can provide on your rig! Put it in the Tow rig forum...it is a most formidable tow rig!
Sounds like @txav8r Mel may be cutting down trees on his property in the near future.
will do it now. Heck, maybe we can start a whole new forum!
We looked into towing our 242 LS behind our 31' Class C Motorhome. The hitch on the motorhome is only rated at 3500 lbs, and we also would have gone over the GCVW for the RV. Plus, launching using a motorhome doesn't seem like a lot of fun to me. We just tow the boat with the Nissan Titan and have the extra vehicle for beer runs!