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Removal of swim deck radio 2015 242 Limited S


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Hello All,

I have to replace my Polk PA450UM swim deck radio. I bought the replacement but I am looking for tips / how to to remove the radio from the swim deck. From the new one it looks like there may be a bracket that holds the radio in from the back side but looking at the boat I don’t see a way to access the back of the unit when it’s installed in the boat. image.jpgIf anyone has done this and can share any pointers, advice, and or pictures I would greatly appreciate it.
Remove the speaker. Reach in and unscrew the two nuts on the back of the radio. It’s easy
Removing the nearest cup holder may give you additional access but the speaker will give you more and should be easier to remove since it’s screwed not glued in. On the other hand, if the old unit is bad and headed for the trash you can also just cut/beat it out of the hull but that would be more work.
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I have the same unit and i went through the cup holder hole
1/4 inch ratchet with a deep socket to loosen the nuts. Dont remember the nut size. It was small like 1/4 inch or 8mm
You only need to remove the nut closest to reach completely the further nut just needs to be loosened then it can shift the bracket off the front stud and it comes out easy
Thanks guys for the advice and tips, I am planning on installing this weekend and I really appreciate the tips!!
Just curious, what deck did you replace the old Polk radio with?
So, what did you replace the PA4 with?