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RX 240?


Jet Boat Junkie
Reaction score
Fairfax, VA
Boat Make
Boat Model
242 Limited S E-Series
Boat Length
I just got the "color's and style" survey from Yamaha and noticed on the first page they had graphics for a RX 240. I am curious to see what folks think it would be?

I know there were discussions of a refresh to the 24' boats for 2018.
Any pics? Cant seem to find anything about it
I just got the "color's and style" survey from Yamaha and noticed on the first page they had graphics for a RX 240. I am curious to see what folks think it would be?

I know there were discussions of a refresh to the 24' boats for 2018.
No pictures of the graphics?
Obviously stands for really extreme 240 so it's the closed bow dual svho 24' obviously.
Obviously stands for really extreme 240 so it's the closed bow dual svho 24' obviously.
Lol and if that is correct i may have a 212ss for sale, but i don't think it will happen
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My heart stated beating faster. BUT - if it had been the SVHO twin they would have had called "245", I figure, so doubt it is any major upgrade if at all. Bet you has a "slampack" stereo, lol. ;)

I hope I am wrong though.

Those towers are not 240 towers. So they are just showing a graphics package on a 242 towered boat
I went through the survey and some of the options do give a fresh flavor compared to the "sophisticated " yamaha look as of late.
I found the brown one to be awful.
Can someone post screenshots? Link just takes me to main Yamaha website
Eww that brown one :eek:.....

I guess you could name it "Root Beer Float" though! :D
I'm trying to think what an RX model would even be. It sounds sporty but like @swatski said if it were twin SVHO I would imagine it would get a 245 designation. Maybe Yamaha is being clever though and knew people would know what it was powered by before release. Hmmmm it does get the speculation juices flowing though.

Cigarette-style enclosed bow with sleeper powered by twin SVHO and 160mm pumps = Bimini Rum Runner :D
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Twin svho,,, gonna need a bigger gas tank. You would burn through 50 gallons in just about one hour at wot.
My FZS svho is thirsty and weighs nothing