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RX 240?

Would be cool if they made a new hull that had a deeper v-hull while making a few changes to the top, mainly at the rear of the boat/swim platform area. This could allow them to mount the engines deeper and further back which might allow for better sound deadening space or design. Also would allow them to mount larger fuel tanks, deeper ski lockers and storage compartments. Could even allow for a possible small berth. Better offshore too! For wake surfers and wake boaders this would allow for integrated subfloor hard tanks that are maybe ram filled and would allow us to have a deeper hull to displace more water giving a better wave and wake. One can only dream right? :D

Blue one is current design and seafoam color is wish list version. Note the extra pisser :D ...but thinking about it I guess a twin SVHO might get 4?? :watching:

Superimposed you can see how much of a difference there are in the hulls and top deck/swim platform
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Bummer they don't look more like...
But with jets!
Interesting concepts coming up.
Would be cool if they made a new hull that had a deeper v-hull while making a few changes to the top, mainly at the rear of the boat/swim platform area. This could allow them to mount the engines deeper and further back which might allow for better sound deadening space or design. Also would allow them to mount larger fuel tanks, deeper ski lockers and storage compartments. Could even allow for a possible small berth. Better offshore too! For wake surfers and wake boaders this would allow for integrated subfloor hard tanks that are maybe ram filled and would allow us to have a deeper hull to displace more water giving a better wave and wake. One can only dream right? :D

Blue one is current design and seafoam color is wish list version. Note the extra pisser :D ...but thinking about it I guess a twin SVHO might get 4?? :watching:

Superimposed you can see how much of a difference there are in the hulls and top deck/swim platform
Would definitely like to see a new 24 footer added to the stable
So - what can they possibly do to make me jump ship? What am I missing?
If they make:
  1. 24' SVHO twin - I would likely feel like I have to have it! And of course would most likely regret it later (as it would not be very practical). But no worries, I don't see that happening in the current 24' hull.
  2. MAJOR electronics overhaul - that might do it. Will happen, sooner or later.
  3. Whisper quiet ride - oh, that would do it! ( but I don't see that happening).
In the meantime, there is basically nothing I couldn't do with a 1.8 N/A twin that I could do with a twin SVHO. Except going 60mph (which means nothing really). That keeled hull gives it outstanding handling, more like a traditional boat with jet propulsion. As far as power and towing sports (wake surf etc.) the 1.8 N/A twin hits the sweat spot (after some minor tweaks of course! - like ribbon delete, L13 etc.) and will pull as much ballast as one cares to load up (without being unsafe and/or sinking the boat). All that with decent fuel economy and range.

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I am in on the orange and black color!