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Scarab 215 Tower Options


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I'm looking to put a tower on my 215HO and wondering if anyone has any recommendations or experience with specific aftermarket options. The gunwales behind the windshield are already reinforced for the factory tower, so looking for a forward leaning tower that is top mount. Monster MK1 seems like one option, but don't know anything about the quality etc.. Won't be towing a lot, this is mostly to give me a better bimini configuration. Tired of all the flimsy poles everywhere. I see people talk about the Monster HS1 as well, but it seems to have been wiped from existence on the Monster website, so wondering if there where issues. Any other recommendations for moderately priced options greatly appreciated.
Actually just ordered the Monster MTK. Kept hoping to find something different but no luck other than the factory options which can run $4-6k. Only other one I really considered was the Reborn Launch. A bit less expensive than MTK but not as solid looking. Will post a pic once I get it and install.