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Seakeeper ride on a 255xd

A compatibile MFD is required.
See Note 1 on Page 7.
I believe it the MFD provides GPS Speed data.


A compatibile MFD is required.
See Note 1 on Page 7.
I believe it the MFD provides GPS Speed data.
A display itself doesn't provide GPS speed data... It just displays it.

In any case, as shown in this picture, this is all you need to control the thing. I don't find myself touching it at all as the Seakeeper adjusts running attitude automatically the way I'd want to manually. You can of course override the automatic operation to adjust however you'd like. A GPS sensor (it is an upcharge, but it's way cheaper than an MFD if you don't already have one) provides the necessary data.

Saw this just come up. If @JetBoatPilot sees this, your title should have been "Second Ever On A Yamaha 255XD" ! :) To be fair, Will is the one who gave me the recommendation for the shop that installed mine in SW Florida a few months ago.

Good review. His experience is the same as mine.
Saw this just come up. If @JetBoatPilot sees this, your title should have been "Second Ever On A Yamaha 255XD" ! :) To be fair, Will is the one who gave me the recommendation for the shop that installed mine in SW Florida a few months ago.

Good review. His experience is the same as mine.
I responded to his post that you were the first and shared the link, but he kept deleting it. :(
I responded to his post that you were the first and shared the link, but he kept deleting it. :(
I'd guess that Will may not personally manage the YouTube channel and that whoever does may not have understood the context. But in any case, I didn't mean to detract from his good video. He was super nice to me when I called asking for recommendations of shops in my area, and he spent time on the phone and via text / messaging helping me out even though he wasn't getting business from me.

I do appreciate you going to bat for me though!