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Shout out to O'brien Watersports Customer Service

Joshua Miller

Jetboaters Captain
Reaction score
Jacksonville, NC
Boat Make
Boat Model
Boat Length

Last fall I bought a Hydroslide Versa wakeboard/wakesurf combo board from a local marina, used it three times, and the foam pad started coming unglued from the board. I emailed Micah from O'brien customer service with pictures of the pad coming off, he said they didn't have any more in stock but to contact him in the spring and he would take care of it. No problem, it was already at the end of boating season so I waited until April when I wrote back. This time Tucker from customer service handled it, had me re-submit pics, and within two weeks I had a new board delivered to my house. Or should I say, upgraded board!.

Bottom line, this was a real easy process, nobody ever hassled me about a receipt, return shipping, or anything. Well deserved shout out to O'brien watersports customer service.


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That's great feedback. Little board looks fun, too.
I bought one of these from Overton discount area. Not so little. Joshua, where do you store it in the boat? Will it fit in a rack?

The mounting for the handles looks much better.
I bought one of these from Overton discount area. Not so little. Joshua, where do you store it in the boat? Will it fit in a rack?

The mounting for the handles looks much better.

I've been searching for a kneeboard rack that will hold this. Until then it just sits on the floor..
They have replaced a couple of the larger tubes with warranty no questions asked over the years. Nothing but good things to say about them.
O’brien is all I buy, great products and good to know they have great service!