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Show us your BOAT! (Google Earth edition)


Jetboaters Commander
Reaction score
Wake Forest, NC
Boat Make
Boat Model
242 Limited S E-Series
Boat Length
As the title states. :D See if you can find yours!
map for my area is too old!
Mine is under the Black mooring cover right in the middle. . . . .Screenshot_20170719-083613.png
There she is in the center of the pic. Wish she was in a garage. Where do you store your boat @AndyD ?IMG_0727.PNG
There she is. Made in the shade. :cool:

Found it!Google Boat Pic.PNG
There she is in the center of the pic. Wish she was in a garage. Where do you store your boat @AndyD ?View attachment 60005

Here is where I store it. It's a gated area, paved, concrete pads (level too!), wash down area with water access, assigned spots. Plus it's in an industrial park so lots of businesses and people around to keep an eye on things. One of the tenanats in the industrial park is a boat service shop. I spoke to the guy once and he doesn't work on Yamahas but was up for the challenge to learn them so I may have a closer person for service than the dealership 1.5 hours away. $75 per month. IMG_4793.PNG
Here she is... Snuggled up tight next to the house... it just fits. I've since put an awning over it for protection from the elements

Google Earth - Boat.jpg
I'm shocked I found my boat, but I did. It lives in the garage now.


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Ours was in the driveway the day the streetview camera went by.

boat on google earth.jpg
Here is where I store it. It's a gated area, paved, concrete pads (level too!), wash down area with water access, assigned spots. Plus it's in an industrial park so lots of businesses and people around to keep an eye on things. One of the tenanats in the industrial park is a boat service shop. I spoke to the guy once and he doesn't work on Yamahas but was up for the challenge to learn them so I may have a closer person for service than the dealership 1.5 hours away. $75 per month. View attachment 60014
Hey... I have a mobile repair and service guy that has done my stuff since 2012... He is a great guy.. he comes to where your boat is located
under the tiny covered dock. First season on the water, what a difference. took 50 minutes from door to water in storage, 15 or less now.