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Show us your BOAT! (Google Earth edition)


Wow, my blue barn really stands out! My boats live in there.
Here is where I store it. It's a gated area, paved, concrete pads (level too!), wash down area with water access, assigned spots. Plus it's in an industrial park so lots of businesses and people around to keep an eye on things. One of the tenanats in the industrial park is a boat service shop. I spoke to the guy once and he doesn't work on Yamahas but was up for the challenge to learn them so I may have a closer person for service than the dealership 1.5 hours away. $75 per month. View attachment 60014
Thanks @AndyD I might eventually move mine there but the pending closing of Burlington Mill for a few months will kill me. So I will wait for that to complete. Looks nice though.
Thanks @AndyD I might eventually move mine there but the pending closing of Burlington Mill for a few months will kill me. So I will wait for that to complete. Looks nice though.
There's a couple of ways around to it if they close part of Burlington. When they shut down the road by the high school last year it really cramped my access but we survived. When are they shutting it down and what part?
There's a couple of ways around to it if they close part of Burlington. When they shut down the road by the high school last year it really cramped my access but we survived. When are they shutting it down and what part?
I believe some time in Aug. They are widening the area where the new subdivision is going in by Ligon Mill. I am just up the road off Burlington Mill. So I would need to do the loop...Burlington to Ligon to Main to Capital and back to Burlington. Depending on how far down they go, the back way through Caddell Woods might be an option. That entrance comes out to Burlington a little further down. But not sure if that will be closed off. There is supposed to be a turn off into the new sub division right about there. It's going to be messy for a lot of folks.
Boat location.jpg

In the summer the boat lives in this dry rack storage building. The building is on top of a large and steep hill and the clearing you see just below the building is a steep rail system they use to get the boats to the water. The forklift sits the boat on a cradle and down the hill it goes directly into the water.
View attachment 60194

In the summer the boat lives in this dry rack storage building. The building is on top of a large and steep hill and the clearing you see just below the building is a steep rail system they use to get the boats to the water. The forklift sits the boat on a cradle and down the hill it goes directly into the water.
Damn, if your in the wrong wet slip you have a hell og a long walk to your boat.
Old dock -- so 2015 picturegoogle earth boat.JPG
Here is mine....(high quality arrow don't ya think! LOL):

With bonus Street View pic


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It says you have to update your account to enable 3rd party hosting.

Stupid Photobucket starting to charge people to host pics...now using Imgur
Boo! Mine was in storage and i was in the hospital when google got me last! I can tell because of when trees came down, where my truck is parked, and the pool isn't open.
Stupid Photobucket starting to charge people to host pics...now using Imgur

Working now. That is a great spot! I would love to have a place like that on the river some day.
My boat lives in the middle garage with green roof.IMG_1216.PNG
Working now. That is a great spot! I would love to have a place like that on the river some day.

Thanks. The river is definitely a different animal. Love/hate kinda thing haha. I don't live far from you in Independence.
Cool! Mine even comes up in 3D!
View attachment 60194

In the summer the boat lives in this dry rack storage building. The building is on top of a large and steep hill and the clearing you see just below the building is a steep rail system they use to get the boats to the water. The forklift sits the boat on a cradle and down the hill it goes directly into the water.
I love Laurel. Its one of the most beautiful lakes in the state. We were just there two weekends ago
They got a picture of mine from the street probably only a couple of days after I purchased it back in 2012. My neighborhood doesn't allow anything recreational parked in the driveway for more than a couple of days so they got me just at the right time. When friends google my street they all say nice boat!GooglePicture.JPG

Edit: Note that my 7foot garage header won't allow my boat to enter, so only a few weeks later I added an 18" panel to my door and raised the header so I can store my boat in my garage after the tower is folded.