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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

Although it wasn't done today. Here's a rundown of what I've gotten done so far this summer.

Added a Guest 2-bank onboard charger and NOCO thru hull plug.
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Finally got my stereo finished. I had already replaced two of the 6.5" speakers with 8". Finally got the other two replaced. I also put 2 of my 6.5's in the bow and added a pair of 5.25's on the swim platform. My old amp setup has now been replaced with 2 Rockford Fosgate amps. A 600-4D and a 600-5D. The Rockford Fosgate 10" sub was done last year.
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I also added a volt gage so I can keep track of my house batteries.
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Along with these things. I also replaced my bilge pump that wasn't working. Changed the the taillights on the trailer to LED ones, and got some new tires.
I think I'm done, but time will tell.

Looks great! Do you prefer the sound of the 8 inch or 6.5 inch? Looking to try and get away without using a sub.
Paid my annual insurance to BoatUS/Geico today. Now I just need this New England winter to be over. Drove by the lake we primarily boat on. Half is melted, half still ice. I'm so ready for boating season.
Paid my annual insurance to BoatUS/Geico today. Now I just need this New England winter to be over. Drove by the lake we primarily boat on. Half is melted, half still ice. I'm so ready for boating season.

Growing up and living my entire life in Texas I have No Idea how y'all(:cowboy: lol) survive!!
Growing up and living my entire life in Texas I have No Idea how y'all:)cowboy: lol) survive!!
You should try it. Makes you appreciate what you have so much more. (Food is so much better up there - Truely the only thing I miss).
Looks great! Do you prefer the sound of the 8 inch or 6.5 inch? Looking to try and get away without using a sub.
I'm really glad I changed them out. They definitely put out more bass than the 6.5's did.
@bronze_10 Are those Rev06? I just added them to the mid-cabin. Sound's awesome!
Wrangled up an unwanted visitor today...


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Got my stern seadek additional bits done today. First one is before....20190330_133050.jpg20190330_154626.jpg20190330_154745.jpg