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Sport jet wear ring


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Hey guys, can't seem to find any threads here about wear rings specifically. I have a sport jet 90 and while the pump/drive look to be in great shape, I'm just looking for info on what or where to measure for ring wear/tolerance etc. I've read about the jb weld repair. What do I need to know before diving in. Can I measure clearance without taking it all apart.
Click in the upper right on Search and put in wear ring. Lots of info (in fact on the first page there is one about clearances). Not sure there is any info for a Sport Jet 90...

Usually the point of failure, as I understand it, is that the ring swells from corrosion. If the impeller is touching the ring and the impeller is scratching it, it needs replacement. So the measurement is between the circumference of the impeller to the wear ring. It should meet spec all the way around.
I had boats powered by 175hp and 240 hp Mercury sport jets with mercury pumps. Neither had sacrificial wear rings. Like modern Yamaha jet boats the entire impeller housing is the wear ring or rather the wear ring is integrated into the impeller housing. Not cheap to replace but not something you replace often at all. You may be better off just coating it with jb weld and letting the impeller shave the jb weld to fit. I recommend you also have the impeller checked out / refurbished by impros or your local pwc shop.