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Surf wave looks backwards and water in engine bay


Jetboaters Lieutenant
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Orono, MN
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I tried surfing 2 weekends ago with a landlocked and 800lbs ballast. I was hooked. I have been enthralled with getting a better set up ever since. So today I added an 800lbs in the ski locker. 600 under the port seat as well as the 800 on the swim platform.

When I look back -- it looks like the starboard wave has more push than the port. I have never surfed a true wake boat, so I am not exactly sure what I am trying to achieve, but this does not look right. Thoughts?


On a different note -- my bilge kicked on after some tests, and I opened the hatch and I had water in each well (I run with all plugs in) upon further inspection, the foam at the back of the engine hatch was wet -- anyone have water climbing the swim platform and spilling into the engine bay? That is my only guess on how that happened. Any other thoughts?
Only other thought -- both clean out plugs were full of water. I wonder if the tray above the clean out plugs is not sealed well.

You can see the line on the foam where the hatch seal is. It is pretty wet.
Only other thought -- both clean out plugs were full of water. I wonder if the tray above the clean out plugs is not sealed well.
That's pretty common. Water also gets in through rub rail when you are ballasted and listing heavily.

As far as your "reversed" wave, it looks like you might have been turning to strdb in this picture. Turning to port/going in big circles to port may give you a better wave for surfing regular (as opposed to goofy).

Rub rail is an intersting thought, mine are pretty jacked from the previous owner. I have not cared much, but... hmmm.

I was going pretty straight in the picture. That's what so weird. Here is another one -- I was focused on the port, but you can see the starboard curls more.

Your wake looks like mine when I don't go fast enough. Mine cleans right up with a bit more speed. 15.5 to 16.5 kmh. Cam.
Try the 800 on the swim deck full, 800 under the port seat full and 600 on top of the port seat full. AS in bounce a quarter off of it full. Turn to port and that should make a better wake.
Rub rail is an intersting thought, mine are pretty jacked from the previous owner. I have not cared much, but... hmmm.

I was going pretty straight in the picture. That's what so weird. Here is another one -- I was focused on the port, but you can see the starboard curls more.

View attachment 61277

Water can leak in a non-"jacked" rub rail too as they aren't designed to be submerged. Water can also wash over the swim platform and drain in to the hull, and with the stern of the boat submerged lower than usual, there are some drains that can let water in.
Try the 800 on the swim deck full, 800 under the port seat full and 600 on top of the port seat full. AS in bounce a quarter off of it full. Turn to port and that should make a better wake.

Is the 800 in the ski locker too far forward from the lack of weight I have? I was wondering if it was counteracting my other weight in the back and not plowing as much water as before with the ski locker bag.

Thanks for the advice. I will try it again this weekend.
Yes it is, I always suggest get your push first, then go after pocket length.