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Tesla truck / 1st time out with my new electric vehicle

Seeing CentriPedal Bikes puts a smile on my face - they used to do my bike tuneups when we lived in Fremont.

Have you guys checked out the new park over by Ardenwood/Coyote Hills?
I didn’t know there was a new park there, thanks for the info. I will dig a little deeper and we may end up taking our scooters there this weekend.
I just saw this video of the Tesla truck climbing what looks like a small dirt hill. Although it’s hard to determine how steep the hill is I’m sure (based on a few jeep events I’ve been in, including two through the Rubicon Trail, that the most basic jeep of any model would be able to climb that hill with a lot less effort and for a lot less money.

I just saw this video of the Tesla truck climbing what looks like a small dirt hill. Although it’s hard to determine how steep the hill is I’m sure (based on a few jeep events I’ve been in, including two through the Rubicon Trail, that the most basic jeep of any model would be able to climb that hill with a lot less effort and for a lot less money.

I’ve been curious about how new EV‘s would perform off-road. It looks like a lot of wheel spin with both the front and back tires. I agree that it doesn’t look very impressive.

I wish it looked like Rivian or lightning.
Just can't pass the looks and size of that thing.
This reminds me of my 2017 trip on the rubicon trail. On that trip a team from Japan used a jeep they converted to all electric. They made it start to finish without experiencing any problem but they brought a small gas powered generator with them along with fuel for it since there are no charging stations on or near the 26 mile long trail. I believe battery technology has improved a lot since such that there would be no need to bring a generator or fuel for it today.
I didn’t know there was a new park there, thanks for the info. I will dig a little deeper and we may end up taking our scooters there this weekend.
And now I live in Fremont again... time to get my bike back to CentriPedal and that park!