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Tower Towing and bimini top

I noticed some posts made mention of pulling tubes from the tower. I was told not to do this as occasionally the front of the tube can get drawn under the water. The stresses created From the tub spooning all that water weight can exceed the weight limits and damage the tower and/or boat. Perhaps some more experienced boaters on the forum can speak to this?
I go under for surfing...no issues! What about when it's not out? Seems like it will be in the way for surfing?!??‍♂️
Perhaps a dumb questions since I have never had a tower before and never been on a boat with one, but when you tow from the tower does the Rope go above or below the bimini top?

When I put it above it looked liked it was rubbing, when I put it under the chrome bars on the sides of the bimini top are in the way when turning.
We haven't used it for wakeboarding yet, but for wake surfing it was obvious it was wrong when it was above. Worked as designed from below.
We use it above for wakeboarding and tubing and works fine.
Resurfacing this post from last year just to say: THANKS! We have spent the past year taking the bimini down to wakeboard. Like all the way down and on the floor. We never tried to tow from ABOVE the bimini. We only used the top when pulling tubes from the rear hook.

I feel kinda dumb now that we never tried above the bimini top. Man, there is always something to learn.
Resurfacing this post from last year just to say: THANKS! We have spent the past year taking the bimini down to wakeboard. Like all the way down and on the floor. We never tried to tow from ABOVE the bimini. We only used the top when pulling tubes from the rear hook.

I feel kinda dumb now that we never tried above the bimini top. Man, there is always something to learn.

That is why the bimini rear has multiple positions. Just click it down one or to lower the back end if your rope is rubing.
It is my understanding, (from everything I've read) that you should never tow tubes from the tower. So I will always tow tubes from the stern hook, especially if they are not my sibling.

Yeah, that is a hotly debated topic. You need to do what you feel is best. A lot tow everything from the tower and a lot don't.