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Troubleshooting electrical issue on 2017 Vortex


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What’s up y’all,

My main problem is I cannot start both motors at the same time anymore. The port motor fires right up, and my starboard fires up after a minute or so of running on the port. The connectors to the rectifier melted on my port side and so I think one of my batteries, probably port, is just getting drained as I use the boat. I have one battery on each side and I keep them charged when I bring it home. My dealer tells me not to use deep cycle and I don’t understand why. Right now I use two 12volt 800CCA batteries. I posted some pictures of the bad connectors and my process in fixing them.

My questions are
1) which battery is used for the stereo?
2) which is used to start the engines?
3) what is a recommended and reliable battery for playing music and doing multiple starts? I do a lot of tubing and wakeboarding during which I turn the motors off and on up to 20 times.
4) how can I know if my rectifier is working? Right now I’m not getting any codes when I run the boat.

