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Wake surfing with a 2008 212x?

Mark E. Barnes

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What year do wake surfing options become stock in Yamahas? I just got a 2008 and I think I need to buy the Swell attachment. Their website (SWELL Wakesurf) says this:
“The only solution for wakesurfing behind Yamaha jet boats.
Available only for Yamaha jet boats, and unfortunately not available for all models.
Choose whether you want the basic model which allows you to surf behind only one side of the boat, or the Both Sides version which allows the user to switch the device to surf either side of the boat.”

Does anyone know for sure if
A) this $1200 Swell attachment actually works for wake surfing,
B) if other cheaper options (suction/velcro) that are a lot cheaper, work just as well
C) do I need additional ballast bags—in addition to the two stock bags on each side that I think are 750lbs each.
A yes
B no
C yes

Go to the gantlin website
@Mark E. Barnes, what you're looking at is the Gantlin Products Wake Wedge, just being sold on Swell's website. You can buy it direct from Gantlin on their site.

There are very few surf shaper options available for Yamaha's because they are not a conventional surf/wake boat. They require something that deals with the jetwash directly. Models prior to the current hull design are limited to the Wake Wedge or the less proven Thrust Vector Wakes. The Wake Wedge is arguably the best, it's the one I run. The current models have the WakeBooster as a 3rd option. In my opinion it comes in 2nd but does a header job.

Your absolute best wave will be a combination of the Wake Wedge, their custom designed swim deck ballast bag, and ski locker ballast. Other on board ballast can be used for tuning.

If you're after a board, I'm actually a dealer and would be happy to give you a recommendation and a good discount.
@Mark E. Barnes
I have a 2008 212X and I use the Gantlin Wake Wedge for surfing. I can surf with stock ballast in less than 5 feet of water. It aint pretty but sure is fun.
I just picked up a 2005 SX230 has big air tower put on, trying to figure out best way to get descent surf. Not really concerned about big enough to throw rope in, but would like a descent shape to play. I’m seeing things from $30 DIY, to $800 wake booster that says it only fits 2015 and newer. Any ideas out there?
I just picked up a 2005 SX230 has big air tower put on, trying to figure out best way to get descent surf. Not really concerned about big enough to throw rope in, but would like a descent shape to play. I’m seeing things from $30 DIY, to $800 wake booster that says it only fits 2015 and newer. Any ideas out there?

Read above, the items used for the 212x of similar vintage should work for you. But the items you have listed are not options. Heck, buy a board, rope and the bag for the swimdeck first and rope surf. That amount of fun will help you justify the investment in a wedge pretty fast.
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I just picked up a 2005 SX230 has big air tower put on, trying to figure out best way to get descent surf. Not really concerned about big enough to throw rope in, but would like a descent shape to play. I’m seeing things from $30 DIY, to $800 wake booster that says it only fits 2015 and newer. Any ideas out there?
The best bang for your buck in this circumstance is to just add a ballast bag on the swim deck. It will do much more than any shaper will on a stock Yamaha. Check out the custom swim deck bag from Gantlin.

If you want to improve things further, then the wake wedge is the the best shaper available for the 230. Same link as above.

Let me know if you're after a board and a I'll shoot a discount code in a DM.
Read above, the items used for the 212x of similar vintage should work for you. But the items you have listed are not options. Heck, buy a board, rop and the bag for the swimdeck first and rope surf. That amount of fun will help you justify the investment in a wedge pretty fast.
I have a rope and board from my last boat, thanks for info . Do you know what they use for 212X?
The best bang for your buck in this circumstance is to just add a ballast bag on the swim deck. It will do much more than any shaper will on a stock Yamaha. Check out the custom swim deck bag from Gantlin.

If you want to improve things further, then the wake wedge is the the best shaper available for the 230. Same link as above.

Let me know if you're after a board and a I'll shoot a discount code in a DM.
Thanks good info. I’ll check that out.