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Wake turbulence


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No pun intended ;)
But I find the wake is a bit turbulent behind my 242 LS compared to my buddy's Chapparal stern drive. What are you wakeboarders/skiers doing about this? Any noticeable relief when lengthening the rope 10-20 feet?
Yes, lengthening the rope helps a great deal. Especially for skiing, it gets the skier out past the jet wash and the ride is smoother. :cool:
I have only owned jet boats so I am used to it. When I am slalom skiing, I just keep moving back and forth, never spending any time in the wake. Even with a 70' rope, it was too rough to stay in there. I wakeboard more now so the slower speed makes a wider wake. The center of the wake is still rough but there is room near the edges of the wake that are fairly smooth. But I still stay outside of the wake more than in.