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SOLD Wakebooster for 24ft Yamaha Boats


Reaction score
Boat Make
Boat Model
Limited S
Boat Length
Yamaha Wakebooster for 24ft Yamaha boats.
Excellent condition
$600 + shipping


  • 20200919_165707.jpg
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Where are you located?
If there’s interest after @luke3795 sells his, I would probably part with mine as well.
Locals get heavy discounts, right?
Had I not fell into the SeaDeck purchase this year lol...
Locals get heavy discounts, right?
Had I not fell into the SeaDeck purchase this year lol...

Haha. SeaDeck is worth every penny though! Make an offer :)
Not trying to hijack the thread but wondering how do you guys like your wakebooster? I have been doing some research the past few months so we can wakesurf without the rope.

Thanks in advance.
Not trying to hijack the thread but wondering how do you guys like your wakebooster? I have been doing some research the past few months so we can wakesurf without the rope.

Thanks in advance.
I, personally, prefer the Gantlin WakeWedge over the WakeBooster.
I don't have experience with he Gantlin WakeWedge since I didn't want to go through that install and wanted something I could easily store in the back Yamaha compartment of the boat and put on/off quickly while on the water but the WakeBooster worked really well and having it was the only way I was able to get a wave clean enough with enough push to surf without a rope.
Reducing the price down to $600.
I believe there is a buy now option as part of the forum. Otherwise I can also do Venmo or PayPal. This is my first time selling on the forum for not in person.
I will direct message you to continue conversation.
Strange. Click on the envelope icon in the top right of the forum just to the right of your username. That should bring up our direct conversation for exchanging personal details.
I don't have experience with he Gantlin WakeWedge since I didn't want to go through that install and wanted something I could easily store in the back Yamaha compartment of the boat and put on/off quickly while on the water but the WakeBooster worked really well and having it was the only way I was able to get a wave clean enough with enough push to surf without a rope.
We'll be looking forward to your reviews of the new boat, especially the difference in the wake surfing! :winkingthumbsup"