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  1. Hurly23

    SOLD Wakebooster for 24'/25' Yamaha Boats $600 + Shipping

    Wakebooster for 24 & 25 Ft boats. Includes wakebooster, pins, bag, and floating fender. Wakebooster has cosmetic abrasions on the eyelet hole from normal use, and the rubber pad had to be reglued as it had shifted slightly (It looks like factory again). Its in good overall condition, and...
  2. Farny

    195s / ar195 19ft boat surf setup and tips

    Wanted to start a thread for those of us with the 19ft single engine boats to dial in their wakes for surfing. Would be great to collaborate on some ideas and what works. Please post your successes and failures. Love to learn! One of my favorite things is watching the $125k + dedicated...
  3. K

    How to get a good wake for surfing

    Hey, guys so I have a 2019 242 Limited S and I want to surf on it. I'm thinking to get the 50lb bags of steel (1000lb in total) and put them in those back seats storage compartments (shown in the picture). What do you guys think of that will it work will it be a good idea? Or should I put those...
  4. L

    SOLD Wakebooster for 24ft Yamaha Boats

    Yamaha Wakebooster for 24ft Yamaha boats. Excellent condition $600 + shipping
  5. Wakesurfing behind Yamaha AR210

    Wakesurfing behind Yamaha AR210

    Wakesurfing on the James River behind a 2020 Yamaha AR210 Utilizing the Slingshot Coaster and Yamaha WakeBooster.. No ballasts (coming soon for rope free sur...
  6. topherbd16

    First Time Boat Owner: '18 212x

    Hey all, Been looking at ski, wakeboard, surf boats for years... finally pulled the trigger on a good deal out of an estate on an '18 212X with 30 hours. I'm in Marysville, OH (just NW of Columbus). Family of 4 with teenagers and we like Delaware Lake just north of Columbus and will be...
  7. SeanPC

    Want To Buy Wakebooster for 242

    Looking for a Wakebooster for 2016 242 LS. Prefer without surfboard but not a deal breaker.
  8. J

    Scupper cover from wakebooster kit

    We have the wakebooster kit for our 2019 212x. I was going to put the scupper cover on before putting it in the slip for the season and noticed the scupper is now on the side instead of facing directly out the rear (like the older models). Is the scupper cover still needed?
  9. LKNHokie

    SOLD SOLD | Yamaha Wakebooster Package

    I was able to snag a wakebooster package from local Yamaha. Despite the dealer’s promise it does not in fact fit 212X prior to ‘17 I have two options - A) return it to shop Monday morning, or B) sell it to one of y’all who can use it. I paid $1,200 for entire kit - will entertain any offer...
  10. Mainah

    DIY Pipe Booster for improving wake

    Starting a separate thread on this. Will be interesting to see what we can up with that is reasonably DIY. Lets please keep this focused on this DIY project without bashing any other for sale products out there. Testing, comparing, and documenting results against references in a scientific way...