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Wakesurf Edge/Wedge device


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242 Limited S E-Series
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Anyone ever try adding a wakesurf edge to the non-surfbside of boat in conjunction with wakebooster or surfwedge? If yes, did it enhance the wave created by the jet deflector device?

It seems like it should?
Doesn't work on our jet boats.
The side mount wedges don't deal with the jetwash associated with our boats and actually force country steer turning the jets into the wave ruining any positive effects.

Here's the top ranking surf options for Yamahas in order.
#1 Wake Wedge with custom transom ballast bag
#2 WakeBooster with custom transom ballast bag
I wasn't trying to be blunt but I have tried and it only put drag on the boat and nothing for the wave. Good for inboard boats though.
Thanks. I already have a wakebooster. Was wondering if adding the edge would further enhance.