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Wakesurfing behind a Yacht.. I think so.

Those Lake Powell tour boats throw a MASSIVE wake! I remember jumping my jet ski off the tour boat when it passed through Padre Bay returning from Rainbow Bridge. Huge jumps that scared the crap out of me! Surfing would be insane!
Now I know what kind of wake boat that I should buy!
I remember seeing a video a while back of guys wake surfing container ship wakes. They went for miles, I think they were on long boards though.

A guy I work with keeps talking about a movie called "into the liquid" (I think) he said there was ship wake surfing in that movie.
I remember seeing a video a while back of guys wake surfing container ship wakes. They went for miles, I think they were on long boards though.

A guy I work with keeps talking about a movie called "into the liquid" (I think) he said there was ship wake surfing in that movie.

Step Into Liquid, great watch. The ship wake surfing that they showed is off the Texas City Dike in the Houston Ship Channel. I grew up out there, and its amazing how much water those loaded ships push. When one passes by the beach they draw the water out about 40 feet for about a 30 minute time period. Regularly someone will show up to the beach during this 30 minute interval and set up, then the water rushes back in like a 4 foot tidal wave and washes them out.


Thats awesome. . . .
my wakeboarding behind _sailing_ yacht with my 5 years old son on my back
