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What the 1st day on the boat means to me.


Jetboaters Admiral
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Alexandria, KY
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For me, the 1st day on our boat every year is like having my Birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Memorial Day and everything else all rolled up into one big happy day. Firing up the engines for the first time, and pushing down the throttles to feel the acceleration while seeing the tremendous smiles on all of our kid's faces makes it a very special day indeed.

The 1st day on our boat holds the promise that Summer is on the way; warm weather, ice cream, fishing, camp fires, lighting bugs and all the other glorious things that make Summer my favorite season. It was a long and cold winter. But now the days of -10 degree high temperatures and the almost nonstop snow are finally over. Maybe winter is the price we have to pay to be able to fully enjoy Summer and everything it has to offer. But there is no time to reflect upon the miseries that made this winter the 3rd snowiest of all time. For we must set about on our goal to make this Summer the best ever.

4.26.14 5.jpg Katlyn is 13, this will most likely be the last summer that she will accompany us on all of our trips. Soon enough she will be in eighth grade and then off to high school running around with all of her friends. But for now we love having her with us, even if she doesn't realize it. Even if sometimes she would rather be somewhere else, and even if sometimes she thinks we are the meanest parents on earth. We will cut her some slack, and enjoy her being with us.... Even if she doesn't realize it.

4.26.14 2.jpg Brooklyn is 7, she still believes with all of her heart that she is a princess and magic really does exist. It will be fun to watch her as this summer unwinds and more magical things and places are found. Before too long she will give up on some of those fanciful ideas, but for now we will love every one of them and encourage her to believe with all of her heart that she really is a princess... Because to us, she is.

John life jacket.jpg John will be 2 in July. He is the sweetest little boy ever. He loves to give kisses and give bear hugs. Every day is a new adventure to him. It will be fun to watch him on the boat this year. Last year he was too little to do much of anything but sit around. This year he wants to drive the boat, sit on his dad's lap, and sing and dance to the music on the radio. It will be interesting to see if he wants to get in the water with us, or if he chooses to just hang out on the swim platform like Brooklyn did when she was too young to swim. Before we know it John will be 7 or 13 just like his sisters are today. It will be fun to watch him grow up on our boat. And just like his sisters did... I'm sure he will grow up too fast.

So if you see us on the highway and the boat is behind our truck, or if I mention in a thread that we have been "boating". Know that it is about much more than simply being in a boat; it is about spending time with the ones we love the most, and making memories that will last a lifetime.
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You have a beautiful family. Enjoy every moment
Very nice! I have a 7 year old and a will-be-2 year old in June boys, love every minute with them. We just got the boat in September, of course Jackson (7 Year Old) loved it from the beginning, Cole couldn't stand the site of his life vest at first, but once it was on and the boat started he just shut his eyes and went to sleep.
A couple weeks ago we went out for a short ride (it had been about a month since the last outing) Cole was excited to put his vest on and stayed awake most of the ride and was actually walking into the water!...This summer is going to be FUN!
Great write up and I agree summer is the best! One good thing is that the kids enjoy the water and boat no matter what age. All of the kids are grown and yet they always find time to go on the water and usually bring friends. My nieces and nephews also come. My wife and I also work out time for just adults as well (it is quieter). The boat is great for getting everyone together. Rarely is there really a spat since most of the time it is all fun. The competition between brothers can get interesting at times but all in all everyone has a great time week after week! They all hate when it gets to cold to swim and have been asking for a month when are we going out! Love the boat, family and summer!
@Volffas I appreciate your post as our boys are 75% of why we bought our boat. The other 25% is because I grew up on a pontoon and always wanted to go fast! I never really though about the first trip as a holiday but that seems to be fitting. We had our first trip last weekend and although it was a chilly 60 degrees not a single complaint. It was truly a great way to spend the day with the family. The last picture is our 2 yr old Bennett after about 4 hours on the water and 1 hour drive home. He was dunzo! HAHHA I just noticed what was on the computer in the background of the last picture! Cheers.
Thanks guys. when we got married I had a 1999 Mustang GT that I loved. as we had kids I knew I couldn't keep it anymore so I decided to sell it and buy a boat. I've made a lot of dumb purchases in my life but that was one of the best ones that I have ever made. Last year with our kids getting older and insisting on bringing friends with them most of the time. we knew it was time to leave our cuddy cabin behind and buy a bow rider. we really have loved every second spent on this boat. I'm so excited for the summer and what new things it will bring.