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Yamaha Wake Booster on a 2010 AR240


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So I was looking at buying wakebooster for surfing and I could not find any answers on if it would fit a 2010 AR240. The U-bolts appear to be in the same angel as newer models. Anyone try to fit the wakebooster on older model 240's?
glad to have you on board, update your profile with your location so we know where you are at,

how long have you owned your boat ?
Do you know about the oil cooler bolt issue on your engine? (look in the FAQ at the top of the page for more info)

I don't think anyone has modified a booster to fit a 2010 boat, I think we did have a member build his own but I can't find the thread at the moment,

if you're serious about surfing then how quickly do you want to be out there, a wake wedge will have you surfing tomorrow while building your own booster may require some trial/error testing time,

glad to have you on board, update your profile with your location so we know where you are at,

how long have you owned your boat ?
Do you know about the oil cooler bolt issue on your engine? (look in the FAQ at the top of the page for more info)

I don't think anyone has modified a booster to fit a 2010 boat, I think we did have a member build his own but I can't find the thread at the moment,

if you're serious about surfing then how quickly do you want to be out there, a wake wedge will have you surfing tomorrow while building your own booster may require some trial/error testing time,

Thanks for the info I updated my profile and have owned the boat for about 6 months. Its got 145 hours on it and to my knowledge from the previous owner no oil cooler bolt issue. Should I have a boat mechanic check it out and or replace. I check the engine bay every time we run it and have not seen oil drips. Also I do get about 3 or 4 gallon of water after an overnight trip. I think I have narrowed it down to the clean out tray seal and the drain plug. Any thoughts on that.
Sorry to say, I have been told the wake booster is not an option for those of us with the 2010-2014 240/242 hull