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Yamaha/Wet Sounds DSP Harnesses

Hi, I’m picking up a 222S and I’m planning to add to tower speakers, what would be the best way to go around this.?
Adding another amp for 2 tower speakers
Adding an 8 channel amp ?
Thank you
Hi, I’m picking up a 222S and I’m planning to add to tower speakers, what would be the best way to go around this.?
Adding another amp for 2 tower speakers
Adding an 8 channel amp ?
Thank you
This would depend on the tower speakers you’re looking into. I sent you a reply to your PM.
Do you currently have these available?
Got a batch of cabin rca signal plugs made! Feel free to get in contact if needed. 7248846120!


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Hi all,

I am making harnesses to either use different amps in place of your wet sounds dsp amps (if upgrading), or to repurpose the stock dsp amps in another application that needs RCA and speaker wire out.

Feel free to reach out if you need one!View attachment 166114View attachment 166115
I’ll take one if it will work with my 2024 255DX. Let me know the cost and process to buy. Thanks.
Happy new year all, it’s getting to be that time of year when we all upgrade our boats.

I am still making and distributing the amplifier harnesses to be able to replace factory amplifiers with aftermarket versions!

If you’re in need of one shoot me a message here or text me at (724) 884-6120, lets get you setup for summer!