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Forum Basics and my Favorite Features on JETBOATERS.net <New Members Read me!>

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I was always...read my lips...ALWAYS...more interested in content rather than quantity. Sure, we all hit "welcome aboard" and have our fun places we like to chat. But if there was ever a word count ranking, you can add this forum and the other one...after 5 years I will still have the lead. Not bragging rights at all. I always felt that many posts were over the head of the laymen. And laymen populate these forums. Now plenty of experts out there, but laymen make up the mass population. Guys that come on, ask a question...and how you answer makes the difference in whether he stays or goes. So speaking plainly and with enough info to help him get the answer he seeks was my goal. WAY too lengthy for the experts out there, but just the ticket for the guy just learning the ropes. We have all suffered the put downs by someone, so I understand the feeling some a new guy feels when a seasoned veteran is short with him. Hopefully, the spirit of this forum and board will carry forward! And all members here will remember when they knew nothing, and be as helpful and courteous to others as you would want them to be to you! I have sent my share of PM's to rectify my own perceived arrogance many times. Hope I can keep that to a minimum and just be helpful...but racing to the top was never a goal of mine.
I’m with you. I’m new and look forward to getting the up and up on subjects I know nothing about. Having said this and reading his thread I hope we have some love out there! If any body knows’ why my starboard engine runs at 200 degrees and the twin runs at 175 degrees. That 200 one keeps setting my alarm off. ????


Jetboaters Fleet Admiral
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West Allis & Fremont, WI
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I’m with you. I’m new and look forward to getting the up and up on subjects I know nothing about. Having said this and reading his thread I hope we have some love out there! If any body knows’ why my starboard engine runs at 200 degrees and the twin runs at 175 degrees. That 200 one keeps setting my alarm off. ????

Hopefully this can get moved to its own thread, or you can start a thread with this info so it doesn't get lost in this thread - you'll always get better results with your own thread, it'll get more eyes on your specific problem, especially if your issue isn't related to, or is different from, the original content.