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    free hit counter

Usage for hash tag: 4?

  1. L

    255X sound deadening

    What bit did you use to remove the fuel tank cover? Was it easy for you to remove? I read on another thread to use Square Bit #4? https://www.amazon.com/Wera-Series-Sheet-Metal-Square-Plus/dp/B0015508BA/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1406504918&sr=8-2&keywords=%234+square+bit
  2. G

    Cushion 4 2011 Yamaha ar210

    Any updates on getting Cushion #4? My 2nd replacement just flew out!
  3. FSH 210 Sport

    2nd Battery Wiring - Circuit Breaker Location

    Dang dude! #4? That’s good for 110A’s! One of my favorite sayings is “overkill is underrated“. You won’t have any issues with voltage drop! Just be careful with a wire size that large that you coordinate your protection, breakers or fuses, correctly. You can always over protect something...
  4. C

    Emergencies, Private Property, Docks and Rights

    ...dock and get off the boat and to safety 2) beach it, tie off to something, and get to safety 3) drop anchor and get low in the boat (the captains course mentioned this) 4) stay at the helm to try and keep waves from coming over the bow would you choose a different order? Would you never...
  5. T

    Bargains Yamaha 2008 212X Accessories For Sale

    Do you have seat #4? Small one across from captain chair. Mine blew out of the boat on the interstate and we couldn’t find it!
  6. Jebinok

    Texoma summer 2019 July 27

    Now just wait a damn minute, why should i be #4? Oh Im sure i will have some jerky made. Just for you @DCB-270 and a little piece for @farrelltravis