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    Membership allows you to ask questions (no matter how mundane), meet up with other jet boaters, see full images (not just thumbnails), browse the member map and qualifies you for members only discounts offered by vendors who run specials for our members only! (It also gets rid of this banner!)

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Need Help right away...use the @help forum feature!

If you are out on the water, or getting ready to go, and you run into a critical problem and want to call attention to your post, use the @help forum feature. This feature will notify those who've signed up to participate (and it is a bunch of our top notch experts) and they will get back to you pretty darn quickly! I just did a quick average of the last 6 times it was used, and the response time average was 4.3 minutes, with a high of 9 minutes, and a low of 1 minute!

Please use this sparingly and for those critical times only. Of course...if it is a TRUE emergency...dial 911! (crazy that we have to say that.....)

Here is a thread that explains it better:


Where can I find out how to use the forum's features?

Jetboaters.Net SWAG-Get your website stuff here!

How are the titles under your name determined?

How to add hyperlinks to your post

Signature length and image size guidelines
