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  1. DJMattyT

    Done with Yamaha.

    Honestly I’m a service advisor and I never put cash work before warranty work. Yes we get paid less on warranty but I make half my moths profit on warranty so I treat it the same. My whole dealership does, but maybe that’s the difference between Mercedes and Yamaha lol!
  2. DJMattyT

    Done with Yamaha.

    You’re totally wrong here. The dealer isn’t putting cash work in before warranty work. The dealer gets paid from Yamaha direct for warranty work. They get paid on both jobs, they’re not fixing his boat “for free” at the dealer level.
  3. DJMattyT

    Boating Pets?

  4. DJMattyT

    yamaha 242x water depth

    Good to see another Long Islander!
  5. DJMattyT


  6. DJMattyT


    I was so close to pulling the trigger on Ceramic Coating the boat but after my new audio upgrade I just couldn’t see sinking much more in it this year. Anyway I spent about 6-7 Hours detailing her this week. 3 step process and these are the results.
  7. DJMattyT

    2016 242X Sound System Build

    I went with the Black box, I dont know if I would reccomend it yet, it does not have the fusion app but I wanted a hideaway system.
  8. DJMattyT

    2016 242X Sound System Build

    RCA’s should be done tomorrow! M770’s fit fine! Lol
  9. DJMattyT

    No drama cooler thread!

    Not my boat cooler but this is the one I bring to tailgates lol. 2 speakers 1 sub 2 amps and enough room for a 30 rack of beer
  10. DJMattyT

    Testing to see who is tagged

  11. DJMattyT

    2016 242X Sound System Build

    That bezel you made is gorgeous!! No this fusion won’t play with connext 😭
  12. DJMattyT

    Do I add this decal or No?

    They gave me a ton of stuff. I just had to give them a ton of money for it.
  13. DJMattyT

    2016 242X Sound System Build

    Thank you!! I’ll def let you know when it’s all done and yeah 7.7’s in bow, by helm, rear seats and on swim deck
  14. DJMattyT

    2016 242X Sound System Build

    Some pics of the install so far.
  15. DJMattyT

    2016 242X Sound System Build

    So yeah I added 2 more speakers 2 more amps and a Fusion stereo system lol