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  1. maboat

    Upgrading to coiled 7 pin trailer connector

    I think most modern trucks with factory tow package have both. This is what my Ram truck came with...
  2. maboat

    Upgrading to coiled 7 pin trailer connector

    Why not use one of these? https://www.etrailer.com/Wiring/Wesbar/787207.html?feed=npn&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlMXMBRC1ARIsAKKGuwjgHUAsFR8eJXfyhCac9RN84ON139ftA4E6pN7sbNI9OVRONlZWxQUaAtb8EALw_wcB
  3. maboat

    texoma gathering 12 Aug NOW on Aug 26th And NOW will be the 19th

    I moved a couple of those rocks and some Ancient Indian Spirits came out to dance, Then it started raining :rolleyes:
  4. maboat

    texoma gathering 12 Aug NOW on Aug 26th And NOW will be the 19th

    I was there with the crickets ....
  5. maboat

    texoma gathering 12 Aug NOW on Aug 26th And NOW will be the 19th

    I lost track of all the changes, but...... *I* will be there on the 12th. :cool:
  6. maboat

    Tow Vehicles

    Including more resale or trade-in value. Many people forget to include this benefit when doing the cost-benefit analysis. Also, people often complain about the higher cost of oil changes but they don't factor in the longer oil change interval. Yeah it cost more for each oil change, but you do...
  7. maboat

    Crab Island, Destin Floatilla?

    Visiting from Texas and had to check out the infamous Crab Island party. Having a geat time! Walked up to 4 other Yamaha jetboats to meet fellow members but none of them knew about the forum. If course I invited them to join up. Too bad I forgot to bring my stickers to hand out. I usually...
  8. maboat

    Full throttle - duty cycle - prudence of use?

    I agree with @Scottintexas . No worries about the engine handling 10k rpm for extended periods but it burns A LOT of fuel up there.
  9. maboat

    Texoma Gathering 2017 July 22nd and Aug 12

    Here's a closer video from someone standing on the adjacent dock..
  10. maboat

    Texoma Gathering 2017 July 22nd and Aug 12

    I got a text from @PEARCE His Cabin Cruiser is destroyed :sorry: SX230 is safe at home :angelic:
  11. maboat

    Texoma Gathering 2017 July 22nd and Aug 12

    I'm still planning to make an appearance this weekend, but its looking like just me on Saturday or with my 23-yo daughter on Sunday.
  12. maboat

    Texoma Gathering 2017 July 22nd and Aug 12

    So this is the same weekend as the Summer Boat Show in Dallas...hmmm.... Also got some competition down in Austin... http://bbbevent.com/
  13. maboat

    Boat buckles...anyone use them?

    I believe my original comment was to Kahuna's words of "sharp hard breaking". And I believe he was referring to your words of "quick 10mph hard stop". Whichever word you choose "sharp", "hard", "quick", or "deliberate", the principle is the same. Your suggestion is to use enough forward...
  14. maboat

    Boat buckles...anyone use them?

    I try to avoid sharp hard breaking whether it be in the parking lot or on the highway. Sometimes its unavoidable, but that doesn't mean its a good idea to force it every time. Wherever or whenever you force the boat to slide against the friction of the bunks its pulling the threads of the lag...
  15. maboat

    Boat buckles...anyone use them?

    That's also effective at accelerating the process of separating the bunk boards from their lag bolts :rolleyes:
  16. maboat

    Thinking about buying an older boat with the mr1?

    There have beeen thousands upon thousands of MR1 engines put into service. Many with hundreds upon hundreds of running hours as rentals. It has proven to be an extremely reliable marine engine with just basic maintenance. Any engine, no matter how reliable, can fall victim to an owner...
  17. maboat

    Texoma Gathering 2017 July 22nd and Aug 12

    North Island was THE party place before the birds came. The bird crap brought the flies and killed the trees. Its like a wasteland now and you can still see tons of white crap covering the dead trees. It hasn't been the same since then. Sad indeed.
  18. maboat

    Boat buckles...anyone use them?

    I agree with @swatski and @Coheeba :thumbsup: I have had both and while they both are similar, I find the true BoatBuckles to be better than the others. The Reese are decent and if they are already attached to a new boat, I would probably keep them (and lubricate them generously). But if I...
  19. maboat

    Best anchor for sandy bottoms?

    I've often thought the opposite. o_O IF I'm going to step on an anchor (and I have :eek: ) I think I'd rather it be a Box than any other style. ;)
  20. maboat

    Boat buckles...anyone use them?

    Lots of us installed boat buckles on all different models. I have an AR230, not the FSH like yours. But I don't think there is any major difference as far as boat buckles are concerned. In my opinion, the boat buckles are hands-down the single best add-on. I don't even know why they make...