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Search results

  1. C

    Scarab 215

    Are you happy with the twin 250’s? Husband is addicted to mph so going with smaller boat (215 vs 255) believing top speed to be faster with twin 250s. Have you broken the 10 hour mark yet? Still so new to the market so doing a TON of research...he (we) have to go 60+ and this seems the most hope...
  2. C

    2018 Scarab 215 io - help?

    Thanks y’all! I do have a guy I completely trust (named Jet Ski Jesus lol) who is also a friend who I know would work on it if needed, but yeah, warranty work would be the issue. There is a closer dealer in FWB that another member on here said would do the warranty work, but he doesn’t have any...
  3. C

    2018 Scarab 215 io - help?

    We're looking into buying a 2018 Scarab 215 io with twin 250's but after reading some of the issues I'm now concerned. Can anyone offer advise as what to look for before we order one? Has anyone purchased one in the past year and not have any issues? Old issues resolved? Better warranty response...