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Search results

  1. S

    Which on board charger?

    I have the Marinco 10A on my boat. I like it a lot.
  2. S

    Exhaust issue

    How would I bypass those switches?
  3. S

    Exhaust issue

    When I uncover her spring prep, in'll check.
  4. S

    Exhaust issue

    I want to start getting her ready for the season. Not sure if warranty will cover it, so I would like to know if it can be fixed...
  5. S

    Exhaust issue

    Toward the end of last season, my port engine became noticeably louder than my starboard engine. I checked the engine compartment for loose exhaust clamps and found nothing. The engine runs normally otherwise. Where else can I check? I see many posts about exhaust clamps failing, but no...
  6. S

    Advice needed. Wiring GPS to power source.

    I have an Lowrance Elite 5 HDI that I want to install on my 2016 242 Limited S. When I look under the helm, I see there is no fuse panel available to which to add a circuit to power it. Does anyone have any suggestions on options to connect power? I was also considering adding a switch panel...